Top Pop Albums 1955-2016


The chart stats, the album and artist facts, and a complete listing of tracks make up each entry in this artist-by-artist compendium of every album to appear on Billboard’s pop albums charts.

No surprise it’s our biggest book by far!

BACK by popular demand: 100s of 1,000s of tracks!

NEW to this 8th edition: 8.5″ x 11″ Size and Blockbuster LPs noted!

The chart stats, the album and artist facts, and a complete listing of tracks make up each entry in this artist-by-artist compendium of every album to appear on Billboard’s pop albums charts.  No surprise it’s our biggest book by far!

All the Album Chart Data!

  • Peak chart position
  • Chart debut date
  • Total weeks charted
  • Total weeks at #1, or #2 or #3 positions
  • Original record label and number

All the Essential Album Info!

  • Index of every track with indications on which albums it appears is below artist’s chart discography
  • NEW: Albums with 10 million plus units sold are highlighted
  • Albums of major artists are broken into sub-categories: Live, Greatest Hits & Compilations, Christmas, etc.
  • Grammy Awards, Hall Of Fame, National Recording Registry & Rolling Stone 500 information shown under each honored title! Title notes providing details of interest on many charted albums, such as guest artists, group personnel changes or notable recording sites and dates
  • RIAA Gold or Platinum Record Certification (includes total number of million units sold)
  • Symbols indicating special types of albums, such as re-entries, reissues or remixes; 7″ extended play or mini albums; or comedy, novelty, spoken word, foreign language, Christmas, original cast, instrumental, live, compilation, greatest hits, or movie or TV soundtrack albums

All the Artist Info

  • Decade & All-Time Artist Rankings plus Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Years & notable awards
  • New artist biographies chronicling the lives and careers of hundreds of album artists who first charted since last edition
  • Updates of previously published artist biographies further researched for accuracy and reliability
  • Boldfaced names of artists mentioned in the bios or title notes who have their own listings elsewhere in the book

Big Bonus Sections!

  • Top 500 Artists Ranking
  • Chronological Listing Of All #1 Albums
  • Top Artist & Album Achievements


Additional information

Weight 9.0 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 2.25 × 11 in

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