A Century Of Pop Music 1900-1999


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100 rankings of the 40 biggest hits of each year of the entire 20th century, based on America’s weekly popular record charts–with complete chart data on every hit!

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Year-by-Year Top 40 Rankings of the Songs & Artists That Shaped a Century

This book chronicles the biggest Pop hits of the entire 20th century, in yearly rankings of the Top 40 songs of every year from 1900 through 1999. Whatever your generation, A Century of Pop Hits holds the soundtrack of your life. This chronological tour through the prime of Pop’s past take you from ragtime to rap, from crooners to country, from big bands to R&B, from the cylinder to the CD. The ranking of the Top 40 hits of each year is based on America’s weekly popular record charts and lists complete chart data on every hit (yearly Top 40 ranking, peak chart position, weeks at the peak position, peak debut date, weeks charted, original label & number, gold & platinum certification and more). Ten fascinating articles highlight the events, moods and pop music trends of each decade. A complete alphabetical artist section and title section lists each song shown in the yearly ranking section. Also includes pictures of the Top Artists, and a listing of the Top Hits and Top Artists by decade.

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Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 1.25 × 9 in

256 pages

