Billboard Singles Reviews 1958


The only book of its kind – reproductions of every weekly record review Billboard published in 1958. Reviews of nearly 10,000 record sides by 3,465 artists.

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1958 was a great year for Rock ‘n Roll — the year it really took over from the mellow, mid-Fifties, middle-of-the-road sound.  And thousands of those breakthrough Rock-‘n-Roll records are reviewed right here, along with plenty of C&W and R&B titles, too.  Browse through these pages and discover exactly how 1958’s record releases were first reviewed in Billboard magazine.

Delight in the original wording of each review, featuring the “cool,” colorful, hip talk of the late ’50s. And see for yourself which #1 chart hits were first given low ratings – and which Spotlight picks were never heard from again.

Additional information

Weight 1.75 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 12 in

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